9 October 2018 – The Western Australian Government has invited regional and remote airports from across the state to apply for the upcoming 2019-2021 round of the Regional Airports Development Scheme (RADS) grants.
Funded through the Department of Transport, the 2019-2021 round will see more than $3.8 million made available again ensuring vital upgrades to infrastructure and safety at regional airports throughout WA.
The McGowan Government says it is committed to connecting regional communities and sees airport upgrades as an opportunity to boost access, tourism, security and safety in the regions.
Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said, “Remote and regional airports provide essential services to regional communities; they facilitate essential passenger, freight and medical air services and help support social and economic development in our regions.”
According to Minister Saffioti, since RADS was introduced, 251 regional airport projects have been granted more than $39 million in funding, helping transform regional airports across WA.
“Sometimes smaller grants, such as runway lighting, means aerial medical services are able to land at night reliably, improving safety of emergency landings and medical evacuations for the community.
“We know that maintaining and upgrading regional airports is an ongoing and often expensive task so access to RADS grants provides much needed funding to assist in upgrades, and improvements to services and safety at these regional airports,” Minister Saffioti added.
The announcement comes after 29 regional airport projects were granted more than $2.7 million from the 2017-19 RADS round with projects including runway widening and resealing, solar runway lighting, construction of a helicopter landing site, security upgrades and fencing to keep animals off the runways.